วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Gravity Defyer

The Stone Age is Over

We no longer have to suffer with painful feet, legs or backs. The answer is Gravity Defyer's exclusive VersoShock Trampoline Sole, a powerful machine that absorbs shock, eliminating pain from every step. It then propels you forward reducing fatigue so you can live a healthier more dynamic life.

Mankind was never intended to walk or stand on the hard unforgiving surfaces that now make up our environment. We evolved to walk on sand, soft earth and grass. Unlike other shoe companies, our shoes have evolved. They are designed and crafted to reduce or eliminate harmful stress on the human body.

$5 OFF $125 ORDER

I'm fat. When I walk barefoot or wear ordinary rubber flooring to heel injury,
so often frequent. In winter, it gives me pain, which almost do not want to walk
away. I have friends who are shaped like me. He was well dressed, especially
shoes. I asked him how he injured the same heel or not. He said that was the
same. But after switching to wear brand Gravity Defyer shoes. pain is less and
eventually disappeared.

So I go in the web of the Gravity Defyer. I know it is there VersoShock
Trampoline Sole, a powerful machine that absorbs shock. The knees and heels are
protected against shock. When viewed in the product catalog, I was very
surprised. It has a wide range of products to choose from. Sports shoes, shoes
for work, and also have shoes for women too.Shape, and trendy shoes, they look
pretty unique. I tried to order a pair of dress shoes.

when I wore to work. My friend came and asked what shoe brand. I told a friend
to the brand. But I did not tell my head. Because I was afraid he looks better
than me. After I entered the web of Gravity Defyer again to purchase sports
shoes. My wife saw it like sport shoes. I ordered at the same time. When she
wears her very happy. I write to tell you. Take a look if you like it. But do
not tell anyone. Because he will wear it against like you.

Gravity Defyer New Style Shoes